General and advanced orthopedic injury, sports injury, spinal disorders, hand therapy, work and personal injury, rheumatic disease, podiatric disorders, neurological disorders, oncology related illness
Many types of pain and inflammation can be reduced with the help of a physical therapist, including low back pain, which affects up to 80 percent of Americans during their lifetime. Physical therapy that mobilizes the spine along with specific exercises can help alleviate the pain and can have long-lasting effects.
If you are at risk of heart disease, the American Heart Association encourages seeing a physical therapist for the initial treatment of pain resulting from tendinitis/bursitis, degenerative joint problems (osteoarthritis), and inflammatory joint problems (rheumatoid arthritis), rather than prescription pain medication. Physical therapists are a great alternative to medication and surgery for musculoskeletal pain. Research shows individuals who receive active physical therapy experience greater improvement in function and decreased pain intensity.
No matter what part of your body hurts, a physical therapist can help you alleviate or manage pain without costly medication or other invasive methods.