General and advanced orthopedic injury, sports injury, spinal disorders, hand therapy, work and personal injury, rheumatic disease, podiatric disorders, neurological disorders, oncology related illness

Locust Valley Location
  • Address:146 Birch Hill Road
    Locust Valley, NY 11560
  • Phone: 1-516-759-9717
  • Email: cs@soundsidept.com
Jericho Location:
  • Address:200 Robbins Ln, Suite D2
    Jericho, NY 11753
  • Phone: 1-516-723-4020
  • Email: cs@soundsidept.com
Contact Jericho: 1-516-723-4020
Contact Melville:1 631-425-5900

Revolutionizing Pain Relief And Recovery: The Power of Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems

Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems

Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems, LLC was established by driving therapeutic industry and business-improvement experts to convey to advertise an effective laser treatment framework that consolidates the best of current advances with inventive, industry-driving highlights.

In the course of recent years, Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems has taken non-intrusive, powerful, laser frameworks to another dimension of positive patient results and recuperation. Situated in Dallas, Texas, The Company works an effective Rehabilitation Clinic, and has put its remedial laser framework in numerous varieties of medicinal offices. Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems currently expects to expand upon its long stretches of involvement in the medicinal business all through the U.S., and past. Generally, bringing down torment and wound treatment costs, increment practice productivity, and upgrade understanding personal satisfaction through imaginative, class-driving abilities.

The top of the line, social insurance laser treatment frameworks promoted and conveyed are non-obtrusive, tranquilize free treatment arrangements that give help from both intense and ceaseless torment, while quickening wound mending, and at the same time lessening aggravation identified with delicate tissue wounds. The world restorative network has grasped and approved non-obtrusive lasers as a noteworthy apparatus in medicinal services, damage treatment, recovery, recuperation backing and in general wellbeing upkeep. Enhanced the viability of this innovation approach. The framework and gear have persistently developed, as laser motors, fiber optics, control sources and conveyance instruments have changed and improved en route.

To place that in context, this innovation is a leap forward helpful laser framework that is many occasions more dominant than different frameworks, conveying up to multiple times the entering wavelength, covering multiple times the compelling treatment region.

Thera Lase


Considerable interest exists for non-obtrusive treatment of incessant agony, therapeutic restoration for aggravation, and delicate tissue wounds, and twisted recuperating in the United States. The joined potential medicinal market for relief from discomfort, irritation decrease and delicate tissue damage mending surpasses $70 Billion in the United States The restorative recovery administrations advertise alone (orthopedics and non-intrusive treatment) speaks to roughly $27 Billion in yearly administrations in the United States. The injury recuperating business sector and medications conveyed by physiatrists, nervous system specialists, rheumatologists, chiropractors and sports drug pros include an extra $30 Billion in yearly administrations in the United States.

The joined potential restorative market for these sorts of recuperating and treatment surpasses $70 Billion dollars in yearly administrations. The business of medicinal relief from discomfort, aggravation decrease, wound consideration, and delicate tissue damage recuperating incorporates:

– Health Maintenance Organizations 
– Individual Orthopedics
– Hospitals 
– General Practitioners
– Outpatient Clinics
– Other Specialists

Tending to ceaseless torment, a difficult to-treat yet exceptionally normal condition, costs the United States as much as $635 Billion every year and requires a substantially more extensive procedure for controling lost efficiency and medicinal services costs, as per another administration report. No less than 116 Million U.S. adults– or around four in 10– experience the ill effects of perpetual torment each year, prompting additional days off, lost wages and profitability, as indicated by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Ceaseless torment is characterized as agony that keeps going over a while.

In the United States, there are an expected 220,000 authorities in orthopedics, restoration medication, nervous system science, physical drug, chiropractic and veterinary prescription (Worldwide, it is assessed that there are more than 500,000 professionals).

The worldwide market is estimated at twice the potential revenue of the United States market. 

The technology is exciting, and the market potential is great.  Alone or in collaboration with conventional therapies, the beneficial effect of strategic laser energy on cellular function can only speed the healing process in any illness characterized by diminished or inadequate cell function; by definition this would include virtually all human illness.


At SoundSide Physical Therapy, we believe that providing outstanding one-on-one care while offering the best environment for rehabilitation is essential for your independence.  We strive to progress our patients with rehabilitation in the most timely and efficient manner possible.

Locust Valley:

(516) 759-9717


(516) 723-4020


  • Address: 146 Birch Hill Road
    Locust Valley, NY 11560
  • Phone: 1-516-759-9717
  • Fax: 1-516-759-1666
  • Email: cs@soundsidept.com

  • Address: 200 Robbins Ln, Suite D2
    Jericho, NY 11753
  • Phone: 1-516-723-4020
  • Email: cs@soundsidept.com