General and advanced orthopedic injury, sports injury, spinal disorders, hand therapy, work and personal injury, rheumatic disease, podiatric disorders, neurological disorders, oncology related illness

Locust Valley Location
  • Address:146 Birch Hill Road
    Locust Valley, NY 11560
  • Phone: 1-516-759-9717
  • Email: cs@soundsidept.com
Jericho Location:
  • Address:200 Robbins Ln, Suite D2
    Jericho, NY 11753
  • Phone: 1-516-723-4020
  • Email: cs@soundsidept.com
Contact Jericho: 1-516-723-4020
Contact Melville:1 631-425-5900


Making a Schedule

Do you find it difficult to get a workout in your busy schedule? Is your day so packed that you simply can’t find time for fitness? Physical exercise is an important factor in your health and weight loss goals. It’s important to make time for exercise if you value your health and wellbeing. 

Making a workout schedule will help you stay consistent even when life throws the unpredictable at you. Scheduling your workouts ensures that you won’t fall back on the ‘I’m too busy for exercise’ excuse for not getting in your daily workout.

A schedule will also ensure that your workouts are frequent and efficient. For example, you can ensure that you block out time for at least three workouts in a week that are thirty minutes long. You can also plan for specific activities you’ll get done in those thirty minutes.

 SoundSide Physical Therapy New Location-  200 Robbins Ln, Suite D2 Jericho | Call For an Appointment 

There’s no single workout schedule that fits everyone. You need to schedule your workouts to suit your level of ability, daily routine, personal preferences and goals. It’s however important to ensure that the activities you include are fun for you. You should also ensure that your family and loved ones are aware of your workout schedule in order to minimize interruptions.

Schedule days for recovery too. These will help your body heal and rest from the activities. Schedule a fun and restorative activity for your rest day.


At SoundSide Physical Therapy, we believe that providing outstanding one-on-one care while offering the best environment for rehabilitation is essential for your independence.  We strive to progress our patients with rehabilitation in the most timely and efficient manner possible.

Locust Valley:

(516) 759-9717


(516) 723-4020


  • Address: 146 Birch Hill Road
    Locust Valley, NY 11560
  • Phone: 1-516-759-9717
  • Fax: 1-516-759-1666
  • Email: cs@soundsidept.com

  • Address: 200 Robbins Ln, Suite D2
    Jericho, NY 11753
  • Phone: 1-516-723-4020
  • Email: cs@soundsidept.com